Come celebrate:
(*) Solicitation should not be construed to re-constitute, or recalcitrate, with or without an offer to homogenize the neutrogena, or gina, depending on the woman (or man), forthwith, furthermore, post haste, post office, nor heretofore to flatulate yourself over here, (you little zygote) -- don't be scared, for you see, the illumination of the gatoradial electrolytes merely visualize the magnitude of my protrusion, viz., not legal advice merely the consideration provided by counsel, Oswald Bates, Esq. -- "May your day be full of spasmodic penile requisition until the lobotomy is scrambled intuitively," heretofore and further referred to as The Scrambler, the Gambler, the Fast-Mail Rambler, aka, c.f., c.v., i.e., i.u.d., Kenny Rogers, not to be confused, e.t.c., or I have visercated my dialectual bamboomzalities, therefore my discharge devillages the unseen debunction of my deforgations. Ltd., all rights reserved.
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