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Food: There will be food, with vegan / gluten free and veggie options available.
Beer: The Bikeshed has sponsored our selection of East Nashville Beer Works beers, including: Miro Miel, Brut Willis, East Bank Citra, and Mystic Munich Dunkel!
Accessibility notes:
- Bus routes: #10 / #50 stop three blocks away at 51st and Charlotte. #19 stops five blocks away at Tennessee and 51st, though if you keep riding it, you'll eventually show up by 51st N Taproom / The Nation's Bar and Grill and can just get out there half a block away.
- There are two buildings on site. The building in the front has two steps up to both front and side entrances. The building in the back has ground floor access and a second floor that is accessed by stairs. There is a large backyard with a paved section.
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